4 Ekor Binatang

4 Ekor Binatang Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Dalam sebuah kapal ada 4 ekor hewan yang menemani seorang nahkoda. Hewan itu ialah ayam, gajah, harimau dan tikus. Suatu hari keempat hewan itu berkumpul dan menceritakan kehebatan masing-masing.

Kata Ayam : "Aku selalu memberi telur kepada nahkoda kita. Berkat aku, dia dapat makan enak dan bergizi."

Gajahpun tak mau kalah "Aku kuat, aku selalu membantu nahkoda kita untuk mengangkat barang-barang berat."

Harimau menimbrung "Kalau aku terkenal sakti dan selalu dapat memenangkan setiap pertempuran, aku selalu melindungi nahkoda kita dari serangan bajak laut dan orang-orang jahat".

Hanya tikus yang terdiam. Ketiga hewan lainnya memandang dia katanya : "Tikus apa fungsimu di sini, hanya engkau yang tak mempunyai fungsi di sini.hahahaha". Mereka mengejek tikus itu.

Suatu hari kapal itu terantuk pada tonjolan karang dan bocor. Keempat hewan itu dan nahkodanya panik. Mereka tidak tahu apa yang akan mereka lakukan karena lokasi kebocoran berada di tempat tersembunyi sehingga tidk bisa ditemukan. Tikus berpikir sejenak kemudian berkata : "Teman-teman mungkin inilah saatnya aku dapat berguna bagi kalian." Lalu tikus itu mulai bergerak. Dengan tubuh mungil dan lonjong itu dia begitu mudah masuk ke sela-sela ka
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Posted by rhadika, Friday, February 6, 2015 12:42 PM | 0 comments |

Betapa Miskinnya Kita

Betapa Miskinnya Kita Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Suatu ketika seseorang yang sangat kaya mengajak anaknya mengunjungi sebuah kampung dengan tujuan utama memperlihatkan kepada anaknya betapa orang-orang bisa sangat miskin.

Mereka menginap beberapa hari di sebuah daerah pertanian yang sangat miskin.

Pada perjalanan pulang, sang Ayah bertanya kepada anaknya. "Bagaimana perjalanan kali ini?"

"Wah, sangat luar biasa Ayah"

"Kau lihatkan betapa manusia bisa sangat miskin" kata ayahnya.

"Oh iya" kata anaknya

"Jadi, pelajaran apa yang dapat kamu ambil?" tanya ayahnya.

Kemudian si anak menjawab....

"Saya saksikan bahwa :

Kita hanya punya satu anjing, mereka punya empat.

Kita punya kolam renang yang luasnya sampai ke tengah taman kita dan mereka memiliki telaga yang tidak ada batasnya.

Kita mengimpor lentera-lentera di taman kita dan mereka memiliki bintang-bintang pada malam hari.

Kita memiliki patio sampai ke halaman depan, dan mereka memiliki cakrawala secara utuh.

Kita memiliki sebidang tanah untuk tempat tinggal dan mereka memiliki ladang yang melampaui p
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Posted by rhadika, Thursday, February 5, 2015 8:02 AM | 0 comments |

Saat Masih Hidup

Saat Masih Hidup Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Suatu ketika seorang yang sangat kaya bertanya kepada temannya.

"Mengapa aku dicela sebagai orang yang kikir? Padahal semua orang tahu bahwa aku telah membuat surat wasiat untuk mendermakan seluruh harta kekayaanku bila kelak aku mati."

"Begini," kata temannya, akan kuceritakan kepadamu tentang kisah babi dan sapi.

Suatu hari babi mengeluh kepada sapi mengenai dirinya yang tidak disenangi manusia.

"Mengapa orang selalu membicarakan kelembutanmu dan keindahan matamu yang sayu itu, tanya babi. Memang kau memberikan susu, mentega dan keju. Tapi yang kuberikan jauh lebih banyak. Aku memberikan lemak, daging, paha, bulu, kulit. Bahkan kakiku pun dibuat asinan! Tetapi tetap saja manusia tak menyenangiku. Mengapa?"

Sapi berpikir sejenak dan kemudian menjawab, "Ya, mungkin karena aku telah memberi kepada manusia ketika aku masih hidup."

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Posted by rhadika, Monday, February 2, 2015 8:00 AM | 0 comments |

Supercharging Your Suggestions

Supercharging Your Suggestions Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Sugesti adalah satu kata yang pasti akan dibicarakan saat kita membahas mengenai hipnosis/ hipnoterapi karena berhubungan dengan salah satu teknik yang digunakan untuk meng-instal program pikiran tertentu ke dalam harddisk biokomputer seseorang.

Sugesti penting untuk dibahas karena merupakan salah satu dari 4 teknik terapi, dalam konteks hipnoterapi, yang digunakan untuk membantu klien mengatasi masalah mereka yaitu: 1. Sugesti dan imajinasi pascahipnosis (posthypnotic suggestion and imagery) 2. Menemukan akar masalah (discovering the root cause) 3. Melepaskan (release) 4. Pemahaman baru / relearning (new understanding)

Sugesti berasal dari kata “suggestion” yang berarti saran, ide, atau pendapat yang, dalam konteks hipnoterapi, ditawarkan hipnoterapis kepada klien untuk dijalankan oleh pikiran bawah sadar klien sehingga terjadi perubahan perilaku seperti yang diharapkan dan diinginkan klien.

Dalam artikel ini saya akan membahas mengenai hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menyusun dan memberikan sugesti agar hasil yang dicapai bisa maksimal dalam waktu singkat.

Untuk memudahkan pemahaman anda maka saya akan menggunakan komputer sebagai
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Posted by rhadika, Sunday, February 1, 2015 11:02 AM | 0 comments |

How Jokeable Are You?

How Jokeable Are You? Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Tawa adalah penurun stres. Semua orang tahu itu. Tapi, tahukah Anda bahwa tawa juga merupakan obat mujarab bagi bermacam penyakit, termasuk penyakit besar kepala, dan bahkan bisa jadi tolok ukur kedewasaan kita?

Anda pernah mendengar nama Norman Cousins? Saya menulis kisah tentang orang ini dalam buku saya BO WERO, Tips mBeling untuk Menyiasati Hidup. Dia bukan seorang dokter, tetapi dari pengalamannya sendiri ia mempelajari proses penyembuhan yang memberi inspirasi luar biasa bagi dunia medis.

Dalam bukunya, Anatomy of an Illness, Norman Cousins menceritakan bagaimana dia tinggal menunggu akhir hanyatnya karena penyakit mematikan yang disandangnya. Tetapi ia tidak menyerah. Dibangunnya pikiran-pikiran dan sikap positif terhadap diri dan kehidupannya, yang membuahkan harapan untuk sembuh. Setiap hari, dia memutar video dagelan, dan dengan itu dia mau melewatkan hari-harinya dengan penuh tawa.

Langkah sederhana itu membuahkan keajaiban. Dengan video banyolan itu dia menjadi relaks, lalu bisa tidur. Kemajuan sederhana ini menghasilkan spiral perkembangan yang d
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Posted by rhadika, Sunday, January 25, 2015 3:20 PM | 0 comments |

Are Antioxidants The Power Behind HEALTHY Dark Chocolate?

by Timothy Prahl

There has been a lot of publicity lately about the potential health benefits of quality Dark Chocolate. The primary area of benefit appears to be related to the extremely high concentrations of "antioxidants" in the raw cocoa bean, the source for chocolate.

An antioxidant is a molecule that is capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation process in other molecules.

Oxidation is a chemical process in which an electron is attracted from a stable substance and moves to an unrelated oxidizing agent. Oxidation reactions can be caused by "free radical" molecules, which by themselves, can cause harmful chain reactions that will damage otherwise healthy cells.

Healthy dark chocolate is an excellent source for providing your system with high concentrations of antioxidants, which can neutralize and thus limit the damaging effects of free radical molecules in your body

Let's take a look at this cell damaging villain ... the "Free Radical".

Free radicals are not the result of disease or injury. They are created naturally in our bodies as the result certain chemical reactions, such as generating energy to feed our cells during physical exertion. They can also be imported into your system through cigarette smoke and other airborne pollutants.

Free radicals are chemically imbalanced, missing one or more electrons and thus having a 'positive' charge.

These radical molecules will seek to balance their charge, and will attract or 'steal' electrons from other molecules, including the molecules that make up your body's DNA and the mitochondria in your cells.

The mitochondria creates the energy necessary to sustain the life of the cells. Damaged mitochondria are weak and have lower energy and less resistance to disease.

Your body's cellular DNA carries the blueprint necessary for duplicating and producing new cells.

When the DNA is altered as a result of the free radical, the new cells that are created are imperfect and possibly malignant with the potential to form tumors or cancers.

Free Radicals are linked as a significant cause of most degenerative diseases, including heart disease, premature aging, diabetes, high blood pressure, and the creation of cancer cells and tumors.

Enter Antioxidants! Antioxidants are molecules that have available one or more FREE electrons. They therefore have a "negative" charge, and attract wandering, positively charged Free Radical, rendering them neutral and removing the threat to healthy cells. This free radical is now chemically balanced, and is no longer a threat to 'steal' electrons from your body's healthy cells.

So, having established the vital importance of having free radical neutralizing antioxidant molecules in your body ... where do they come from?

The human body is an amazing organism. Much of what our body requires to sustain life can be generated from within. This also holds true for antioxidants; however, dietary supplementation is also required.

Vitamin C is a good example. Unlike most other animals, vitamin C is NOT created within the human body and must be acquired through diet.

Most people are well aware of the importance of a consistent source of vitamin C in their diet. Vitamin C is a monosaccharide antioxidant, and proper levels must be maintained either through diet or supplementation in order to maintain a healthy body.

So, what relationship do antioxidants have with a quality dark chololate?

Scientists have known for years that cocoa contains significantly high levels of antioxidants.

According to research cited in The New York Times, fresh cocoa beans are super-rich in the type of flavonoid called flavanols, which are very strong antioxidants. All 3 known flavanols are found in the cocoa bean at an amazing 10% antioxidant concentration level.

Another research study conducted by researchers of the Department of Food Science and Technology at Cornell University showed that flavanols in cocoa make blood platelets less likely to stick together and cause blood clots. They also prevented fatty substances in the blood stream from sticking together and clogging arteries.

So, simply eat chocolate and gain these healthy benefits? Well, it is not nearly that simple. Any product can technically be called chocolate if it is the result of processing of the cocoa bean; however, very few of these products would realistically qualify for a clinical definition of being 'healthy'.

An understanding of how the cocoa beans are processed and the type and quantity of additives in order to create a specific chocolate product is essential for determining potential health benefits.

The multitude of Health benefits certainly appears to justify doing some research and identifying a source for antioxidant rich, Healthy Dark Chocolate.


Posted by rhadika, Tuesday, August 5, 2008 11:15 PM | 1 comments |

Chocolate Candy Recipes

by Joe Young

Finding A Genuine Chocolate Candy Recipe

We have all enjoyed eating chocolate candy, right? I believe we have even watched documentaries on how it is done, and maybe visited a factory, like Hershey's, and seen it done. But, have we ever used a chocolate candy recipe ourselves and actually made our own? It is often said that those old time granny recipes are the best place to find good make it yourself chocolate candy recipe.

To find a chocolate candy recipe, you can pick up any cookbook, or one specific for just dessert and confections. Hershey's has one just for that. I bought one for my wife for Christmas. You may even have an old passed down from generation to generation cookbook with chocolate candy recipes no one has ever heard of.

The internet is another form of obtaining really good chocolate candy recipes. I know, I have looked. Whether it is on someone's personal blog, or listed from a major manufacturer, there are plenty of resources right on the web. Also, another web trick. If you want to find other listings that are not showing up immediately in the search engine, go to google images. Seriously, type in what you are looking for and listed below the image is the site or site listings for, in this case, chocolate candy recipes.

Your family and friends, or co-workers on the job, a teacher at school are all great sources for obtaining a top quality chocolate candy recipe. Some of them have been doing this sort of thing for years, and are quite the confectionist. Ok, here is a recipe from a 50 year old cook book my wife owns.

Chocolate Coconut Drops

They have: Melt over hot water, 2oz. of chopped up unsweetened chocolate (you can do this in a sauce pan as well on low heat)

Stir in: 1 can sweetened condensed milk 1/2 lb. coconut, chopped 1/2 cup walnuts, chopped

Drop by teaspoons onto baking sheet. Place in pre-heated oven at 350°. Once in turn off oven. Leave in for approximately 15-20 minutes, until chocolate candy has glazed appearance. Remove and cool.

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Posted by rhadika, 11:10 PM | 0 comments |